Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our employees.
We firmly believe that achieving a safe and healthy work environment is a shared responsibility between management and employees. As such, we work together to identify and control workplace hazards to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries.
We recognize that creating an accident-free workplace environment is essential for all employees' physical and mental health. Management takes responsibility for eliminating or guarding against health hazards, while all employees are expected to follow safe work procedures and actively participate in maintaining a safe and productive working environment. Together, we strive to achieve a well-managed safety program that contributes to cost-effective project performance by reducing downtime due to accidents, thereby improving overall production efficiency.
We provide comprehensive training on proper work procedures and regulations to ensure our employees have the necessary skills and knowledge. Managers and supervisors also partner with employees to identify and control workplace hazards, and safety committees are formed to evaluate and recognize these hazards to achieve zero losses.
We are proud to report that our efforts have resulted in a five-year EMR average of less than 0.8 and a five-year TRIR averaging below 0.5, both of which are well below the national average based on OSHA construction standards.
We believe that achieving a zero-loss outcome is possible, but it requires the commitment and dedication of everyone, from the CEO to the metal panel installer in the field. Safety must be our top priority, and we must continue to challenge ourselves daily to reduce workplace incidents and injuries. With our ongoing efforts, we remain determined to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees.